Green innovation

Priority should be on Activities that create Positive Value for the Company and all Stakeholders via Sustainable Innovation. In a world characterized by climate change and a critical need for sustainable development, many companies face an enormous challenge, while having immense potential for change.

Sustainability provides value

Synopsis of reality

To remain competitive, companies must be both innovative and sustainable.

Innovation unfortunately lags far behind the need – and the effect is critical for the planet and all its inhabitants. We are simply too bad at finding and implementing solutions to our enormous overconsumption.

Overall, the reality is about ensuring that no more resources are consumed than the earth can provide.

EARTH OVERSHOT DAY* has built good visualizations.

Innovation Gap

It is not enough to tackle – the patchwork solutions* we see emerging in e.g., Denmark. They can have the opposite effect on the planet’s overall problem – and are often only beneficial in the very local calculations. So driven by investor ROI.

*Patchwork solutions e.g., can include CO2 capture, Biofuels, solar panel parks in nature, where the underlying “Cradle2Grave” resource calculation is disconnected.

What really works is a drastic reduction in consumption. It requires a focus on innovation of technology, methods and application throughout the entire supply chain.

Scaling up existing technologies and solutions is not enough to reach the climate goals, such as reaching -45% of CO2 emissions in 2030.


Accelerate sustainable innovation by mapping key consumption innovation fields and get support to restructure products and business model to close the direct ” innovation gap”.

To successfully solve the climate-innovation gap, the focus can be on these sustainable fields of innovation:

  • Resources and circular economy
  • Green Energy & Electrification
  • Green life and mobility
  • Greenhouse gas management
  • H2 ecosystem and pure molecules.
  • Circular Legislation –. e.g. The European circular policies “Right to repair” – extends warranty and makes repair easier for EU consumers ESG etc.


How does the company become greener & more sustainable – so that it improve business profitability?

Are you ready to:

  • Establish the framework for ESG to become a business gain
  • Get certified or get an environmental label?
  • Make better use of your resources and thus achieve savings?
  • Offer product repair and maintenance services?
  • Collaborate with suppliers, manufacturers and other partners in the value chain to promote circular principles?
  • Streamline and rethink the use of energy and materials in production?
  • Rethink design, production, purchasing and material selection?

Green Transition for Business Profit: Check Status, Potential and create an Action Plan

Resources and Circular Economy:

A key strategy is to embrace the principles of circular economy, where resources are reused, recycled and minimized.


  • Implementation of circular business models that promote reuse, recycling and resource efficiency.
  • Development of innovative products and services that reduce waste and promote resource optimization.
  • Collaboration with suppliers and stakeholders to establish closed loops for materials and products.

Green Energy & Electrification:

The transition to green energy and the electrification of transport and industry is crucial to reducing CO2 emissions.


  • Investment in renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and hydropower.
  • Utilization of technologies for the electrification of transport, industry and buildings.
  • Development of intelligent networks and storage technologies to ensure reliable and sustainable energy supply.

Green Life and Mobility:

Promoting sustainable lifestyle choices and green transport is essential to reducing our environmental footprint.


  • Promotion of sustainable forms of transport such as public transport, cycling and the sharing economy.
  • Development of green city infrastructures that reduce air pollution and improve quality of life.
  • Integration of technologies such as IoT and AI to optimize mobility solutions and reduce congestion.

Greenhouse gas management:

Effective management of greenhouse gas emissions is essential to combating climate change.


  • Implementation of targeted strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in production processes and supply chains.
  • Adaptation of climate resilient practices to minimize the impacts of climate change on supply chains and business systems.
  • Monitoring and reporting of the company’s climate impact to ensure transparency and accountability.

H2 Ecosystem and Pure Molecules:

The development of an H2 ecosystem and the use of clean molecules such as hydrogen is the key to creating a sustainable and climate-friendly energy future.


  • Development of infrastructure for the production, storage and distribution of hydrogen and other clean molecules.
  • Promotion of research and development in hydrogen technologies and applications.
  • Establishing partnerships and consortia to accelerate the implementation of hydrogen-based solutions.

Circular Legislation:

To support and promote these sustainable fields of innovation, circular legislation is essential. Examples include European circular policies such as “Right to Repair”, which extend warranties and make repair easier for consumers.


  • Monitoring and analysis of legislation related to the circular economy, including the right to repair and ESG standards.
  • Active participation in legislative processes to ensure that the company’s interests are represented and promoted.
  • Collaborate with legislators, interest groups and other stakeholders to promote sustainable policies and regulations.

Companies face an ever-increasing demand for sustainable solutions, both from consumers, stakeholders and regulatory authorities. The status quo shows a growing awareness of environmental and social challenges, but the potential to translate this awareness into business value is huge. An effective and strategic approach to sustainability can not only strengthen the company’s reputation, but also create new business opportunities, reduce costs and improve competitiveness in the long term

By focusing on these sustainable innovation fields and the associated activities, companies can contribute to solving the climate-innovation gap and at the same time create value for both themselves and their stakeholders.

It requires a holistic approach, commitment and collaboration across sectors to achieve a sustainable future for our planet.