Hvorfor strategisk salg ?

Har salgsorganisationen de rette metoder, værktøjer og kompetencer til at sikre kontinuerlig god salgsudvikling

The purpose of strategic selling is to ensure maximum value creation for your client and your company.

There are a few good and valuable methods for maksimizing competitive positioning and account management on the market. e.g Miller-Heiman, Target Account selling etc.  

Today, traditional sales methods, client access and continous value creation require new and client collaborative thinking. Innovation is the key theme for your clients and you need to become part of the solution.

VIRKON Deliver strategic, solution and consultasive selling program based on the main methods and include relevant 

Innovation modules such as. Innovation consultancy and Value creation discovery.

Where does your business move


Create new opportunities in collaboration with the clients

Collaborate with other stakeholders in new business generation

Continously add new services to client portfolio

Position yourself with the real decision-makers and avoid those without approval power

Spot key customer attitudes that can make og brake sales

Get the order AND a satisfied customer, repeat sales and enthusiastic referrals

Increase penetration of existing accounts

Minimize the uncertanties of cold call

Free up a stuck order

Avoid selling business you don’t want

Identify and deal with the four different buying influences present in every sale

Prevent sales from being sabotaged by an anti sponsor

Recognize signals that indicate when a sale is in jeopardy

Avoid dry months by allocation time wisely to four critical selling tasks

Track account progress and forecast future revenue