Digital Business Innovation – Augmented Reality

The missing link in mobile digitalization

”Augmeted reality”  technology is a reality, and fueled by even increasing mobility , very fast providing a wide range of benefits and opportunities for stakeholders. Both Users and businesses can adopt solutions and services which will provide accurate decision support and increased value creation.    Users have to opportunity to recieve fast, accurate and additional information related to the specific scene they’re in and taks they need performing.  Businesses will benefit in a number of areas within Operational efficiency (better service, higher quality, faster deployment etc.) and increased demand creation ( higher ar2conversion rates in marketing, better client engagement, higher client loyalty, targeted information etc) .


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To provide relevant information related to any reality – clearly reality must be recognized. AR technology does that through Camera, GPS and other sensors such as microphone, compass,alititude sensor etc.   The location, material or o bject you capture with the device camera must be known – and any additional informaton wanted in the frame must be created and made available.

Augmentet reality is ONE example of a quite simple and small technology which will change the way we persieve the world of information, shop, interact and play just to take a few areas.



VIRKON has leading expertice in this field and can facilitate worksessions to investigate the opportunities AR may provide to your organization.